[Dragaera] Morrolan's claims to witness Zerika's descent

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Sun Feb 18 17:46:24 PST 2007

On Sun, 18 Feb 2007, Jerry Friedman wrote:

> --- Philip Hart <philiph at slac.stanford.edu> wrote:
> > E.g., not the "My honor, even if the world burns" Aliera and Morrolan
> > we think we know from the Vladiad.
> Morrolan, at least, thinks it's dishonorable to defend himself
> against false beliefs, or at least Teldra says he prefers
> not to do so.  I have no feeling in general for what Dragons
> consider to be honorable and dishonorable, except that the
> results seem to lead to Cool Stuff.

True, but
0) Aliera's less scrupulous.

1) It's either the case that Paarfi based his work on input from
some or all of the various participants, or he didn't but
intentionally left the impression that he had -> M calls out Sethra
or Sethra makes Paarfi think it would be wise to steal the Jhereg

2) It's hard for me to imagine that the supposedly slandered
participants don't have any friends who do work who would feel
it honorable to take Paarfi out quietly, and harder to imagine that
his publisher would risk the hate of the most prominent members of
the court.

3) We're told that M is a fan by Ilen the Magian, iirc.

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