[Dragaera] a passing comment of Sethra's..

J C greyw01f at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 10 15:17:54 PDT 2007

I read over the timeline located here: 
and found "Sethra vanishes from public life (FH 430-432)."

This might be the answer to the debate.   It seems that Sethra disappeared 
during the Interregnum, though I imagine it was to focus all of her efforts 
on holding down the fort during the Interregnum.  Due to all the imagined 
activity that was probably happening during the Interregnum, I wouldn't be 
surprised if Dzur Mountain actually got up and walked around a bit :P

So we seem to have the reference to Sethra disappearing during the 
interregnum, not as the result of some horrendous battle but perhaps to 
forestall or prepare for one.  That leaves the comment "Sethra haS 
dissapeared from sight" or whatever the quote is the matter of a simple 
typo:  if the sentence read "Sethra haD disappeared from sight" there 
wouldn't be any confusion about the timeline.

There would, however, still be a question as to whether or not Sethra was 
going to re-disappear, possibly before Teldra wakes up.


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