[Dragaera] OT: Ray Bradbury

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Thu Jul 19 13:54:20 PDT 2007

On 7/19/2007 Ray Lee wrote:
>  Seemed clear enough to me, in a Reductio ad absurdum kind of way.
>  Stated differently, saying that any large enough community
>  automatically qualifies as The State is misleading. For example. Most
>  Americans think picking your nose in public is rude, and therefore
>  shouldn't be done. Since 'Most Americans' qualifies as a 'large enough
>  community', then by your argument above the gov't believes picking
>  your nose in public is rude, and therefore shouldn't be done. This is
>  an absurd result, and so something in the argument was wrong. In this
>  case, that any majority is automatically its own government.

But that isn't very different from saying "walking around naked is rude, 
so let's make it illegal".

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