[Dragaera] Jhegaala rumors

Elizabeth Dalton dalton_0907 at gaeacoop.org
Thu Dec 13 15:09:45 PST 2007

David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> Elizabeth Dalton wrote:
>>- It takes place after Phoenix and before Athyra
> My booknote says "immediately after Teckla".  But then it could even 
> have changed since that version.

Hm. I had the impression that he didn't skip town until after _Phoenix_. 
No? My source says "...fresh from the collapse of his marriage, and with 
the criminal Jhereg organization out to eliminate him...." and while 
things are strained with Cawti at the end of _Teckla_, the Jhereg aren't 
really on his tail until after the events in _Phoenix._

But it sounds like you may have more info than I do, and/or a different 

Elizabeth Dalton
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