[Dragaera] Gift Shop

Davdi Silverrock davdisil at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 22:27:39 PST 2008

On 1/8/08, Philip Hart wrote:
> "It so chanced to transpire that my beloved and honourable parents
> holidayed in Dragaera City at that cusp of History when the conflict
> between Lord Adron e'Kieron and the Emperor Tortaalik resulted in
> said city and its environs"
> This sounds more like Wodehouse to me than Paarfi - the vocabulary
> more posh British than Dumas-inflected.

True.  And is this a bad thing?

Ahem.  I was aware, as I wrote it, that "holidayed" was necessarily a
Britishism, which thus influenced the spelling of "honour".  I think
"visited" would be a more neutral phrasing, without being necessarily
American.  Yes, I like that better.

Take 5 (or thereabouts):

"It so chanced to transpire that my beloved and honorable parents
visited Dragaera City at that cusp of History when the conflict
between Lord Adron e'Kieron and the Emperor Tortaalik climaxed in said
city and its environs being dissolved and transformed into the Lesser
Sea of Chaos, and while my parents were indeed enormously fortunate in
escaping the Disaster with their lives, the only memento of their
visit to the doomed city that they were able to procure for me was
this very shirt I am now wearing, with its truncated sleeves and sadly
cheap and lightweight fabric, as one can plainly see."

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