[Dragaera] incident with Pel

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Fri Jun 13 14:39:06 PDT 2008

On Fri, 13 Jun 2008, Alexx Kay wrote:

>>> Is it just me or is Pel much more devious than his counterpart, Aramis?
>> I'd say that Brust's secondary characters are given more prominence than
>> Dumas's.  Long stretches of _LTM_ concern D'Artagnan alone, or him and
>> just one musketeer, or him and his lackey.  We do see Aramis being
>> devious, or hypocritical depending on one's viewpoint, pretty much
>> whenever he's on page, but his scope for action is rather less.  The
>> incident in _LTM_ in which Aramis writes a coded letter is probably a
>> source for Pel, and his interest in and success with women is another.
> And recall that, in later Musketeer books, Aramis is actively plotting the
> overthrow and replacement-by-doppelganger of the King of France.  Said
> plot could accurately be described as 'devious'.

Is that _Vingt Ans Apres_ you're talking about?  If so, I thought that 
was more plain power struggle between crown and church -  also note that 
Athos was with Aramis.  I've thought of Pel's latter struggle with his 
friends in the Pirodessey as reflecting this conflict.

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