[Dragaera] If the Vlad books were made into a movie...

Alexx Kay alexx at panix.com
Fri Sep 19 15:17:56 PDT 2008

>> >Pel is obliquely mentioned in /Orca/,
>> ???  Please elaborate; I didn't notice that, and I *just* reread that
>> book!  Khaavren is actually a fairly significant character, albeit
>> entirely offscreen.
> It's when Keira is explaining who heads Division Six -- She says it's the
> "Prime Minister, when there is one, except right now it's the Minister of
> the Houses."
> Last we heard, Pel was Prime Minister, so this, to me, implies that
> something has happened to Pel.  Okay, it's pretty oblique. Maybe doesn't
> affect him at all. (If, say, Pel got dismissed 150 years ago and there
> have been 2-3 other Prime Ministers in the interim.) However, it still
> does mean that Pel is *NOT* still where we left him at the end of /Sethra
> Lavode/ by the time of Vlad.

Oooh!  Good catch.  (Makes a note for next timeline revision...)


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 which indeed upon this list is in fact two more than required."
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