[Dragaera] fame and secrecy [was: Vlad's passivity--getting long]

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Fri Oct 24 21:09:49 PDT 2008

On Fri, 24 Oct 2008, Jerry Friedman wrote:

> --- On Thu, 10/23/08, Michael Wojcik <mwojcik at newsguy.com> wrote:

>>>> And I expect that the events of _Issola_ are as
>>>> Top Secret as it is possible to make them.
>>> Why?  I'd expect the government to proclaim this
>>> glorious victory in every village.  I'd expect the
>>> Jenoine to be the Empire's Communists or al-Qaida,
>>> the reason the Empire and nobility are needed and
>>> shouldn't be disturbed.

>> Hmm. I'm not so sure about that. I tend to suspect
>> (based on no
>> evidence) that most Dragaerans know little or nothing about
>> the
>> Jenoine; that even most nobles are unaware of the actual
>> situation
>> regarding them; and that the Empire would keep a major
>> crisis like
>> /Issola/ under wraps. The Easterners are the Empire's
>> token threat to
>> trot out for flag-waving purposes. The Jenoine are too
>> scary for that.
> I don't think they're much scarier than nuclear war,
> a threat that as far as I know no government tried to
> deny, free press or not.  Of course, Dragaerans aren't
> human.

Part of the Paarfi-Sethra theory has it that the revelation of
many state secrets in the Paarfiad is explained by the need to
rally the populace against the threat of the J.

Anyway, the point is entirely moot here since _Dzur_ follows
_Issola_ immediately and with the best of will the events
would not be well-known outside the smallest of circles.

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