[Dragaera] Loose ends - A poll for the list.

Jerry Friedman jerry_friedman at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 23 20:56:04 PST 2009

--- On Fri, 1/23/09, Jon Lincicum <lincicum at comcast.net> wrote:
> The question: What remaining unanswered question or unknown
> element in the Vlad series are you MOST looking forward to
> having answered?

> The
> question of what (if anything) will happen with Savn.

I'd like to know that too, but I got the distinct feeling
at the beginning of /Issola/ that we were being not to
expect anything more.  If I'm wrong, it wouldn't be the
first time.  Even on this list.

> Will Devera ever make an "official" appearance, (i.e.
> actually be born)? Will Vlad/Cawti ever get back together?

Those are good ones.

Another one I'm interested in is the two different stories
about Zerika at the Falls.  Is that an example of the
CSTOL--Steven wrote each book in the coolest possible way,
with the contradiction to be addressed later if ever?  Or
did he have something in mind before TPotD, or even before

> Obviously, there's almost certainly going to be several
> of these that we all want to know. If you must, it's
> okay to answer with multiple questions, but I'm really
> looking for answers that can pin it down to ONE thing above
> all others.
> For me, I think the question first and foremost is the
> resolution to the Vlad/Verra conflict that has been set up
> in Issola/Dzur.

And /Phoenix/.

I think the answer to your favorite question will be a main topic
in /The Last Contract/.

My favorite question is what this destiny is that Vlad is
being set up for.  I think that's closely related to your
question and /The Final Contract/.

Jerry Friedman thinks Tukko says "Last" and Chaz says


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