[Dragaera] So I finally finished "Sethra Lavode"...

Jon Lincicum lincicum at comcast.net
Mon Feb 9 17:17:45 PST 2009

Philip Hart wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Feb 2009, Maximilian Wilson wrote:
>> How so? Sethra specifically addresses this in the exposition in
>> /Issola/. She says the Jhereg assassin was lucky, and stupid, and that
>> Blackwand was still guarding the soul--all consistent with later
>> events. The events in /Jhereg/ are perfectly canonical.
> Incidentally, Sethra's explanation is unconvincing to me.  Blackwand 
> continued to protect M's _body_ in _I_, but doesn't in _Jhe_, in fact 
> allowing a spell to continue to work against it long after the conflict.

It might be that fate intervened. It was Morrolan getting killed that 
led directly to Vlad and Aliera (both weilders of Great Weapons 
themselves, (Aliera already then, Vlad not till later) but both 
therefore tools of Fate on some level) chasing after the sorceress... 
Which led directly to Vlad for the first time unleashing raw amorphia. A 
skill that fate may decree one day he will need to use to some greater 

So, perhaps the sorceress who killed Morrolan simply "got lucky" because 
Fate needed Morrolan to die at that time?


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