[Dragaera] Kindle and SKZB

John Dallman jgd at cix.co.uk
Sun Dec 6 08:00:00 PST 2009

In article <b0d4e53cc6a3b4d0167f0dae49cab301.squirrel at webmail.dd-b.net>, 
dd-b at dd-b.net (David Dyer-Bennet) wrote:

> Also, books sold to the Kindle are DRMed.  I won't touch any DRMed 
> books (well, unless I have a break at hand and can immediately convert 
> it into useful formats).

Amazon have also demonstrated the ability to remotely delete material 
off people's Kindles. This happened with a e-book they turned out not to 
actually have the rights to sell, and caused a considerable outcry. They 
have promised never to do this again, but from a large company that 
simply means they won't do it unless it's more embarrassing not to do 
it. I have thus cut to the chase and decided to never touch any e-book 
or e-book format that belongs to them. 

E-books don't appeal to me much anyway, since I don't do the kind of 
long-distance travelling that makes them logistically attractive, and 
like having physical books around. 

John Dallman, jgd at cix.co.uk, HTML mail is treated as probable spam.

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