[Dragaera] not really a spoiler, i don't think...

Damien Sullivan phoenix at ugcs.caltech.edu
Tue Jan 19 09:12:11 PST 2010

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 09:07:17AM -0800, Scott Schultz wrote:

> Empire has existed for many hundreds (thousands?) of millennia at this 
> point. The Dragaerns now what's what about the supernatural nature of 
> their world. The Cycle is not a superstition of ignorant people trying to 
> understand their place in the cosmos. Wizards (and, occasionally, 
> assassins, *heh*) consort with the Gods the way that we might consort 
> with a head of state or a powerful business magnate. The Cycle manifests 
> itself as a real physical object in (or near) the Halls of Judgement. 
> There's really no question that it is a real, supernatural force that 
> exerts some degree of influence over the course of the Empire.
> There may actually be a kind of "political placebo effect" but that 

One can only imagine the nervousness of Dragaerans in the 34th Phoennix
Reign.  Imagine a lot of evacution of the capital, and hoarding of
non-sorcerous resources.  Probably only to run afoul of some other
Orb-level disaster.

-xx- Damien X-) 

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