[Dragaera] _Iorich_ random brief comments (spoilers!)

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Tue Jan 26 11:41:26 PST 2010

On Tue, 26 Jan 2010, Scott Schultz wrote:

>> From: Philip Hart Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 11:35 PM
>> To: Dragaera Mailing List Subject: Re: [Dragaera] _Iorich_ random brief 
>> comments (spoilers!)
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>> Pg. 68 - "they have taken Pathfinder from me" - this is a weird formulation 
> Part what's going on here is that Aliera is participating in her own 
> incarceration. She's allowed herself to be arrested and she's allowing 
> herself to be tried, judged, and even killed if it comes to that. Pathfinder 
> may have been "taken" but it's only because she gave it up willingly.

Oops, getting out of order.  Anyway...

Sure, my quibble was with Aliera not saying, "I allowed Pathfinder to be 
taken" or something a bit less passive.

It occurs to me that Zerika doesn't need to threaten the Jhereg in person 
as it were - she can mention that if Vlad is killed by a Morganti weapon, 
the empire is going to be too busy to prevent Aliera from using Pathfinder 
to discover and permanently eat everyone involved.  She doesn't even need 
to mention it - it should be obvious.  Which makes it hard to understand 
why anyone would take the job.  For that matter I can imagine Aliera and 
say Morrolan spending a few weeks going around collecting assassins sent 
after Vlad, relieving them of their weapons, and letting them spend a few 
centuries in a slow-time dimension a la _Yendi_.

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