[Dragaera] Teleport Shipping

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Thu Jan 28 23:25:59 PST 2010

On Thu, 28 Jan 2010, Jon Lincicum wrote:

> Philip Hart wrote:
>> I don't understand the distinction you're making, and anyway I don't think 
>> we can have a discussion at this level of detail comparing a process we 
>> don't understand and a state we can't comprehend beyond the above, That's 
>> cool, wonder if there's a connection.
> Well, in the one case, you have one being, capable of performing one set of 
> actions, who is in a state of transit between two places, and in some sense 
> exists in those two places at once.

Begs the question.  For all we know this may be something like temporal 
fugue.  From a naive physics POV perceiving in two places means performing 
actions in both places.  Maybe being a god is being able to 
sustain the teleport condition for long periods (in physics, a 
few seconds is forever for most purposes) and reintegrate.  M. teleports 
across the room; while doing so he fires a continuous blast of magic from 
Blackwand.  What happens?  Does the observer see M_0 stop blasting and M_1 
start while they both exist?

> how I've always interpreted the idea. A person in the midst of a teleport 
> doesn't appear to have this ability, from what we have seen.

We've seen or not seen this where?

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