[Dragaera] left hand right hand, no spoilers

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Sun Mar 7 15:19:30 PST 2010

On Sun, 7 Mar 2010, Damien Sullivan wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 07, 2010 at 02:53:15PM -0500, Jerry Alan Sayers wrote:
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>>> Indeed, if the LH were part of House Jhereg, one would figure they
>>> would have at least insisted on a council seat.
> The council runs the Organization, not the House.

It's not clear to me that in fact the Organization is not the Cycle-House. 
Perhaps the empire recognizes the House as a convenient fiction - allowing 
disgraced nobles to remain housed but not Teckla, for example, but as far 
as owning the House representative, a pretty intuitive way of deciding 
who runs the House, there's no question it's the council.  So the 
Organization would be the Empire-House, too.

> And Vlad said in _Jhereg_ there wasn't even an formal council before the
> Interregnum, just crime bosses and I guess informal negotiations.
> Though in that case I wonder who sold Jhereg titles.  The Heir?

The selling of titles (to Easterners, I take it you mean, otherwise it's 
just another concession for a symbolic stamp) was the idea of the Demon.

> Who is the Jhereg Heir, anyway and how is that decided?  Maybe there
> isn't one until the Cycle gives them a chance of needing one and they
> fight for it.

See above for the argument that appointing the rep is equivalent to being 
the prince.  That might be how the Orb-Prince is decided, which is close 
enough, esp. since in this case there's no question of a genetic test.

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