[Dragaera] The Desecrator [spoilers]

Thomas M. Coyle zxcasd at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 18:13:39 PST 2011

I really enjoyed the dynamic here. In particular, it appears that Telnan is
fitting the classic Gygax "Lawful Evil" archetype, though we may need to add
an additional qualifier: "dense." Definitely not the sharpest tool in the
shed, but, if I may, playfully intriguing.

All sorts of possibilities here.

Aside from which, anyone who can give Daymar a run for his money...

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 6:42 PM, Philip Hart <philiph at slac.stanford.edu>wrote:

> On Wed, 2 Mar 2011, Ken Koester wrote:
>  On 3/2/2011 11:07 AM, Philip Hart wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2 Mar 2011, Howard Brazee wrote:
>>>> http://www.tor.com/stories/2011/03/the-desecrator
>>> Anybody know what this is?  Canonical Dragaera story?  Excerpt of the
>>> coming novel?  Are the illustrations part of The Canon?
>>> _______________________________________________
>> It's by The Author (apparently), with characters we have met and know
>> already.  Feels pretty canonic to me. [...]
> Ok, the illustration at least is not canonic - Telnan has no noble's point,
> and does have an incipient goatee.
> I wondered if "desecrator" was meant to really refer to the sword, which as
> we know is aimed in some way at the gods.
> "Maybe as old as - um, as really old things" was pretty funny.  Telnan's
> voice comes through very well.  The bit about being evil was quite
> interesting, if not obviously true.
> "the blip would scramble psychic communication outside the area"
> I don't follow this.
> I didn't entirely follow why they couldn't tunnel their way down via
> teleporting.
> "evidentially"?
> I don't understand the point of the illusion.
> "He was staring at me with all the expression of a Jhereg assassin."
> Odd that he knows.
> GWs are self-wielding?
> "An ugly, unclean way to go." Perhaps related to "desecrate".
> "It was a good blade, made for me by Hennith two hundred years ago."
> Presumably when he was born?
> "You lie here for another ten thousand years."
> That's not actually very long.  The Second Cycle was a few hundred Kyears
> ago, if that's relevant.
> "I did make the ground under their feet rise up"
> Not sure why Nightslayer goes along with him after seeing this.
> I'm guessing Telnan's message was a declaration of love or lust; the latter
> would be a bit useless though.  Another option, "You set me up, you
> !#^!&^*&*", seems too out of character.
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*Thomas M. Coyle*

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