[Dragaera] Prophecies (was Re: The Desecrator) [spoilers]

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Mon Mar 7 15:52:56 PST 2011

On Mon, 7 Mar 2011, Alexx Kay wrote:

>>> S
>>> P
>>> O
>>> I
>>> L
>>> E
>>> R
>>> S
>>> A
>>> R
>>> E
>>> H
>>> E
>>> R
>>> E
> [...]
> This prophecy would have contained some text along the general lines of
> "When he has found that which he has lost, he will come into his true
> power."  The only thing Telnan seems to have 'lost' in this story was "the
> sword that was made for him".  And what he finds is also, albeit in a
> rather different sense, "the sword that was made for him".  This sort of
> tricksy language is typical of prophecies.

Also, of course, the prophecy could have been made from a godlike or 
Seriolian time perspective.  Maybe Telnan's going to lose it.  Maybe he's 
going to lose it in such a way that it ends up where his earlier self 
found it.

Or maybe his soul was the previous wielder.  Maybe that's why the sword 
accepts him, despite his heroic nature.

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