[Dragaera] Timeline 2.0 is done

Jerry Friedman jerry_friedman at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 31 21:07:21 PDT 2011


A couple of points that might be of general enough interest to send to the list 
(unlike the typos I pointed out to you off-list).

I've always assumed that Vlad gives SB apparently redundant background 
information because Vlad knows or surmises people in SB's world will be reading 
his stories as books.

I'd like to think Vlad came up with some of the gimmicks himself, notably the 
seamless structure of /Dragon/--not to take anything away from SB or Steven 
Brust :-).  It is possible that Vlad writes at least some of the books himself 
and reads them into the recorder, or when the recorder isn't explicitly 
mentioned, gives SB the ms.

Jerry Friedman

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