Howard Brazee via Dragaera dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Wed Oct 8 05:27:29 PDT 2014

We've had some discussions about how language changes  here - including an expression used in logical fallacies which has a more common definition take over.    One change that has taken over completely is the use of "massive" to modify "spoilers", "corruption", and many other things whether or not they have mass.    (Massive Roman Catholic church services?).

I'm old enough that I still chuckle to myself when I see these - and I wonder what the word meant to Newton before he described mass.   I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the meaning I grew up with was an anomaly.  

A related word is becoming more and more common, with less logic.   I heard someone yesterday talking about having "tons of time".    I chuckle harder when I hear that.    And I calculate how many people someone is talking about having tons of people at a party.

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