Scott Schultz via Dragaera dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Tue Oct 14 09:02:50 PDT 2014

> ***NO REALLY***
> I'm reasonably certain now that Tukko is a god
 > 1) Of lesser persuasiveness, the fact that to be a God, one of things
> as a benchmark is the ability to be in two plays at once

What's your evidence that Tukko/Chaz has ever been in two or more places at
> 2)  Godslayer leapt at touching him; the only thing that it would do if it
> come in contact with one of its intended victims.

That's a bit of a leap, don't you think? There could be any number of things
that would cause Lady Teldra to react. Part of her function is the
cancellation of sorcery. If Tukko is a creature of sorcery then that could
make her react without Tukko being a God.

The real question to ask is why Rocsza also reacted, but Loiosh did not? 

Based on Paarfi's descriptions, my theory about Tukko/Chaz is that he/they
are aspects of Dzur Mountain itself. Dzur Mountain is more than just a big
rock. It's a machine, probably a computer system left behind by the Jenoine.
Tukko and/or Chaz is the avatar/interface to it. Iceflame is its conduit.

> But we
> know that the Necromancer is a God; merely one who can be,
> in some ways, contained, and hence qualifies as a Demon

Again - How do we know this? I don't have my books at hand but I don't
recall that The Necromancer is ever described as being anything other than a
demon with a very specialized knowledge. One that is summoned, bound, and
sent to Dragaera to assist Sethra in restoring the Empire.

Verra is (probably) a demon that became a God. That doesn't make all demons
into gods. In fact, I'm not sure where you get your definition of a demon as
being a God that can be bound. I don't remember demons being referred to in
such a fashion in any of the stories.

> 3) Sethra works (reluctantly) with the Gods to help secure the fate of
> Dragaera--and yet eschews the God's company--and the Gods, for their part,
> look upon Sethra rather the way Aliera does upon Kragar.  So therefore,
> does Sethra work with the Gods?  A God liaison is one possibility. One,
> presumably, bound to Dzur Mountain in some way; and given how Sethra is
> bound to Dzur Mountain, we could be looking at a 3 or 4-way commune
> between Sethra, Tukko/Chaz, Iceflame and Dzur Mountain.

I think it's useful to look at Sethra as being Connor Mcleod. She's a freak
of nature; immortal except by her own choice to die. She's a tool of the
Gods and she wants the Empire to live. Enough so that, Arthur-like, she
returned when it needed her (or at least when the Lords of Judgement
requested it of her).

The Gods view her as they view any of their tools, and of course they are
distrustful of all who wield the Great Weapons, Sethra no less than the
rest. One has to wonder at how Verra has been allowed to accumulate so much
power under her own wing. She is Sethra's compatriot ("friend" might be too
strong a word), Aliera's mother, and patron to both Morollan and Vlad. The
Dzur fellow (whose name I don't recall at the moment) who is joined with
Nightslayer is under Sethra's tutelage, so he's indirectly under Verra's
influence as well.

> Regards,
> Jon Carey, B.A.(Hon), CHRP
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