[Dragaera] They should be protecting Vlad much better (Hawk spoilers)

Rast via Dragaera dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Mon Oct 27 22:40:27 PDT 2014

Apologies if this comes through twice...

Sethra is a highly accomplished strategist, and Verra at least is quite capable of making detailed plans for the future. So let's look at the Vlad situation from their point of view.

There's this human^W Easterner whom you have as a friend/pawn.  He is the reincarnation of a powerful elf who died a few hundred thousand years back, and so has not only the (untrained) ability to manipulate raw amorphia, but also the incredibly rare, incredibly dangerous, ability to create it from nothing.  He's highly intelligent and daring, a skilled witch, good in a fight, even better in an assassination.  Oh, and he happens to have just recently acquired and bonded with an extremely powerful magical weapon which is particularly suited for killing Jenoine (and gods and spellcasters).

Now this guy Vlad has helped you quite a few times over the years.   This assistance has come in many dangerous and extremely difficult situations, most recently during the defense of the world from a Jenoine invasion.   And this was done not for money (well maybe at first), but out of loyalty and friendship to you and your other close friends.  He's willing to help, and quite capable of helping, in any future situation you want to use him in, up to and including the final apocalyptic battle between the gods and Jenoine.  

Unfortunately, your friend/pawn had petty mortal squabble with some organized crime bosses, so now they want to kill him, destroy his soul, and take his magical weapon, after which said weapon will inevitably be used against you eventually.

So... you just let this extremely valuable resource wander around, mostly unassisted, repeatedly almost dying?  Really? REALLY?

How do you NOT scoop him up and take him to Dzur Mountain for safekeeping?  Put him in school with Telnan. Have him awaken Godslayer and learn to use all its powers.  Train him to be a decent sorcerer.  Have Aliera teach him Elder Sorcery.  Have Morrolan stop by in case there's still anything he can teach Vlad about witchcraft.  Meanwhile, you work through your friend the Empress to persuade/bribe the Jhereg Council to lift the death sentence on Vlad, as a special one time favor.

What am I missing?

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