[Dragaera] Forums?

Scott Schultz via Dragaera dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Fri Jan 6 07:44:56 PST 2017

I appreciate the initiative shown by creating an alternative, but I'll be
sticking to email also.

That's only partly due to inertia. I already monitor email through the day,
so it's easier for me to receive email messages pushed to me and
automatically filed in a folder than it is to add another outside venue to
the number of forums/social media outlets that I routinely keep up with and
pull from it.

More than that, though - SKZB and Corwin monitor the email list, even though
most of Steve's traffic is at his blog and social media these days. I'd
rather keep the small amount of list traffic in this pipeline that has
access to them, than fragment it into venues that may not fall into their
sphere of attention.

The effort to improve the list experience is appreciated but I think we're
best served with the system we currently have, unless maybe we suddenly get
a massive flood of new members flooding the list with content. That seems an
unlikely occurrence. ;)

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