[Dragaera] Geography: The Map of Dragaera, Release 3

Christopher Turkel turkel.christopher at gmail.com
Sun Sep 13 09:49:03 PDT 2020

This is amazing! Great work! I can see why Steve hasn’t officially
published a map, there is a lot of empty spaces on that map but also lots
of room to add stuff later if he wants! What’s also cool is the basic shape
of the landmass; the original RPG Steve played in was in a giant form of
Europe and you can still echoes of it in the map.

On Sunday, September 13, 2020, Bryan Newell via Dragaera <
dragaera at lists.dragaera.info> wrote:

> A new release of my Map of Dragaera project is now available. You can find
> it at:
> https://bryann.net/dragaera/map/
> There are two major differences in the new version:
> 1. Steve shared some of his maps with me while he was working on /The Baron
> of Magister Valley/ so this is by far the most accurate release so far.
> 2. The new version is a tiled web map (similar to Google Maps) that allows
> you to pan around and zoom.
> Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about the new
> version.
> Bryan
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