[Dragaera] How Deadly are Morganti Weapons?

Erik Holmes shoby187 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 27 08:58:28 PDT 2006

Have we ever seen anyone WOUNDED by a Morganti weapon in the books?

Is a small scratch by a morganti blade deadly? How about something that would normaly be just a
flesh wound? Does a morganti wound have to be a mortal one in order to destroy the soul? 

What would happen if someone was stabbed in the stomach with a morganti blade (not instantly
fatal) and someone then removed the blade?

Right now I am running a GURPS game set in Dragaera and I'm wondering how deadly I should make
these weapons.

"I didn't spend all those years playing D&D and not learn a little something about courage."
   -Some Dork, The X-Files

Erik Holmes
Shoby187 at yahoo.com
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