[Dragaera] Dragaeran Publication Date of _Five HundredYearsAfter_

Davdi Silverrock davdisil at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 00:48:16 PDT 2006

On 10/26/06, Scott Schultz wrote:
> >My inference of anger is based on this reasoning: even if Paarfi
> >received some information from Aliera, that information would be given
> >in confidence, and its disclosure would be in breach of that
> >confidence.
> I can't see anybody who was familiar with Paarfi's works thinking that he
> would keep anything in confidence.

Prior to FHYA, Paarfi had only published /The Phoenix Guards/, which
Aliera might not have read, and if she did, well, her father is
certainly not made to look bad in that one.

She's capable of making a tactical error with regards to Paarfi, I nearly think.

Of course, Paarfi is capable of making a tactical (or rather, a
strategic) error with regards to Aliera, by taking her tactical error
as meaning that it's a good idea to go forward with the writing that
he did.

> In my view, Paarfi would never have even left any doubt about it. He'd
> approach her initially because she is one of a handful of survivors of the
> Disaster and quite probably the only one who could accurately inform him
> about the state of the Court, the conditions surrounding the death of
> Tortaalik, and the motivations of Adron. I don't see Aliera trusting
> Paarfi's discretion and whispering secrets into his ear only to find her
> trust betrayed. I see her taking advantage of an enthusiastic listener and
> pumping him full of white lies about the nobility of her father, the
> corruption of Tortaalik, and the high regard that everyone had for her
> personally. I see her reading _Five Hundred Years After_, steepling her
> fingers and whispering "Excellennnnttttt!"

Blink.  This *is* Aliera "Kill them all and worry about the pieces
afterwards" e'Kieron we're talking about here.  While Dragons may be
capable of subtlety when necessary, I just don't see Aliera, as she
has been portrayed so far, of having the deep foresight and planning
to pull that off.

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