[Dragaera] A thought about Athyra

Jon Lincicum lincicum at comcast.net
Mon Oct 30 17:41:30 PST 2006

Davdi Silverrock wrote:
> I've speculated elsewhere that Vlad was directed in a dream by Verra
> to go to Smallcliff for the purpose of removing Loraan.
> Speculating further, I find myself wondering if when Vlad was mumbling
> in his delirium "I won't kill for you anymore", he was subconsciously
> responding to Verra's instruction to kill Loraan.  Of course, once he
> was conscious, he presumably was thinking that he would probably be
> killing Loraan for his own purposes, but still.
> And note that he did not in fact kill Loraan.  Perhaps this was at
> some level deliberate?
Perhaps. Or maybe it was just his attempt to "wind it the other way"... 
(another of his delirium rants, which he immediately scoffs at the 
importance of--making me think this phrase is actually subtle 
foreshadowing of some sort. Is this a critical clue to his future? Or 
just another red herring?)

Who can say?


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