[Dragaera] Crack in Palace [spolier

inuyashadontask at aim.com inuyashadontask at aim.com
Thu Jul 5 13:14:46 PDT 2007

-I think you misunderstood the timing.? Everything that you describe -
the dragon, the Countess arriving, etc - are meant to be taking place
shortly before Miklos makes his way back into Fenario, not immediately
after he departs.

?????????? No, the King hits Mili, he runs, the king to his advisor about the events, marriage, the North and Dragon, time jump, Mili climbs down the waterfall, etc., dragon finds Vilmos... Beginning of chapter five

?????????? New question, the last one notwithstanding, how did he Learn so much, lighting through his hands? In just two years, which a unknown amount of time serfdom, and no one willing to teach him for he his a Eastern. Vlad studied more, granted he tried to forget, but he knows personally most if not all of the most powerful and feared Wizards.

-"disillusionment" means "no longer having illusion".? You probably
meant to use the word "illusion" here.

???? No, the people Vilmos/Mili meet in their eyes there see the true way the Palace is.

-> ????? Fifth. Nosh-pa claims that fencing is a Eastern art,
> but Viktor nor the King practice such arts.

????? It Doesn't brother me, it's just Vlad and Nosh-pa take so much pride in fencing, and surprising others because it is an Eastern art

-> ???? Seventh. How can the Easterns musted enought people
> to fight if the own King's domian is that of a Boran in Dragaera?

????? It's the only place however the book made reference to it being the largest.

-----Original Message-----
From: Davdi Silverrock <davdisil at gmail.com>
To: Dragaera List <dragaera at dragaera.info>
Sent: Thu, 5 Jul 2007 1:35 am
Subject: Re: [Dragaera] Crack in Palace [spolier]

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