[Dragaera] States and violence (was Re: OT: Ray Bradbury)

Jon Lincicum lincicum at comcast.net
Mon Jul 23 10:39:00 PDT 2007

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Davdi Silverrock" <davdisil at gmail.com>
> I think you're forgetting something.  The Duke of Arylle - Temma's
> father - was accused of treason against the Empire, and presumably
> there was enough (manufactured) evidence to result in his disgrace and
> death.  I think we can be sure that that's why military force was
> permitted against him and his vassals, and why his lands were granted,
> by the Empire, to Lord Shaltre.
> My point being that the Empire was rather strongly involved as an
> interested party in the dispute between Shaltre & Arylle.

Good point. The Shaltre/Arylle affair is a case where the Empire *did* have justification for getting involved.

At the same time, it appears that they were perfectly willing to let Shaltre take care of the matter himself. The only Imperial sanction was in granting the titles and lands to Shaltre afterwards. 

This appears to be similar to the "Whitecrest Rebellion" which was put down by Adron's Breath of Fire Battalion, rather than the Imperial Army. Presumably, this had Imperial approval, but the Imperial Army did not do the actual fighting. 

Another somewhat different example that springs to mind is the case of Norathar's parents. They were apparently able to wage a (fairly significant) attack on Dzur Mountain without any apparent interference from the Empire. (Was this perhaps the "Eighth (or Ninth) Battle of Dzur Mountain"? Heh.)


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