[Dragaera] Jenoine, Humans, Gods-To-Be, Amorphia, Great Weapons, Barrett, and Various Combinations Thereof

Scott Crain s_thomas_crain at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 30 17:31:59 PDT 2008

Verra comments at some point that it was a miracle that everyone wasn't destroyed when the Great Sea of Chaos was created; going by Brustian physics, of course it wasn't from a place the Jenoine can't figure out how to access; it's cacoastrum, the raw material of the universe, multiple dimensions and all.  "This is the only place in the universe where it exists, and it's a miracle it exists here at all."  You can't normally produce it or control it; that's an odd ability of a certain Dragaeran line of Dragonlords -- and apparently it's inherited via the soul.  (I sort of wonder of Jenoine have reincarnateable souls; I doubt it.)  So of course they keep coming back; it's a source of tremendous power, if they can only harness it.

In regards to reincarnation, I think that it's possible that this location/area is one of the few places in the universe in which souls are a) definable and b) 'tangible' -- which advantage, I agree, the Serioli probably had.  I think perhaps that only Serioli souls have this advantage, and that when the Jenoine did their tinkering, they found a genetic marker that assisted in this, which they loaded into their experiments -- after all, the Gods say that Easterner souls don't reincarnate, so the majority of souls the Gods winnow through would be Dragaeran.  (And Serioli, and perhaps that's another reason why the Serioli are pissed off.)

So are/were all the Great Weapons created by the Serioli?  I think that it's very, very likely, with the cooperation of the Jenoine.  Perhaps the Jenoine knew how to invest the weapons with such power, and the Serioli knew how to invest them with the essence-devouring spirit.  Vlad finds out (from Sethra?  Verra?) that the GWs were created specifically to take out the Gods, but that the Gods got to the GWs (possibly because they had more foot soldiers, eh?) and have been using the GWs to defend their world from the Jenoine ever since.  Are the Serioli still the only ones who make Morganti blades?  Perhaps; I imagine they've gleefully decided that it's a good way to whittle down the Gods' foot soldiers...

When it comes to Chaz/Tukko, I dunno.  Maybe he's a demon -- older than Sethra, of course, but brought by her to Dragaera to help her with the leashing and use of the power of Dzur Mountain, and thus 'younger' than her.  It might also explain how he knows where to be at all times (because though he can be commanded, he can be in more than one place at a time -- and probably is), and why he's been with her for so long; like the Necromancer, he of course isn't going to age the same way as Dragaerans, if at all.

And yeah, it's Baritt; Barrett is the manufacturer of high-power .50-caliber anti-materiel rifles that I want.  (I so want an M82A1.  If I win the lottery, the two things I'm doing for certain are a) getting an M82A1 with plenty of clips and ammo, and b) heading out to Vegas in order to lose a truly disgusting amount of money to a certain S. K. Zoltan Brust.  Well, maybe not the truly disgusting part, mostly because then he'd have to pay taxes on it, but you get the picture.)

S. Thomas Crain



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