[Dragaera] Loose ends - A poll for the list.

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Fri Jan 23 17:09:16 PST 2009

On Fri, 23 Jan 2009, Jon Lincicum wrote:

> The question: What remaining unanswered question or unknown element in the 
> Vlad series are you MOST looking forward to having answered?

I'd like to see Vlad reconcile his destructive and self-destructive 
tendencies with his developing ethic.  And presumably come to some 
accomodation with the Jhereg (R and L) etc. at the same time.  (The
above not by becoming so powerful that the problems solve themselves.)
Or maybe find a healthy way to grow without reconciling/accomodating.

I'm also curious to see if Loiosh manages to achieve some greater 
autonomy or anyway more of a vote in the relationship.

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