[Dragaera] So I finally finished "Sethra Lavode"...

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Sun Feb 8 21:50:29 PST 2009

On Sun, 8 Feb 2009, kashi mama wrote:

> And I get the feeling that Morrolan is no longer around in Paarfi's present
> (at the time of writing this last novel).  Did anyone else get that
> impression?  I think it is because it seemed he spoke of some of the other
> figures occasionally in present tense, but not Morrolan.

I had thought that the celebrated, highly-placed Dragonlord mentioned in 
the preface to _TPOTD_ must be M.  It's known that the novel post-dates 
the next turn of the Cycle, which I suspect means that people who are 
going to die post-_Dzur_ and pre-_TEODM_ died pre-_TPOTD_.  So any 
disparity in tense would be very interesting.  I'd want to see the 
statistics though on present refs to others.

Aside from that, it's a bit hard for me to imagine that M would be 
portrayed quite as he is throughout the Paarfiad after having died 
heroically (the last goes without saying).

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