[Dragaera] left hand right hand in Iorich

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Sun Mar 7 12:10:19 PST 2010

On Sun, 7 Mar 2010, Jerry Alan Sayers wrote:

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>> My point above was that it's not obvious to me that the LH is in any 
>> official sense part of House Jhereg - and I don't off-hand recall any 
>> requirement for a Dragaeran citizen to be in a house if gya is willing to 
>> do without the associated advantages. [...]

> [...] Quite a few cross-breeds, outcasts, and others probably join 
> so they can  be citizens without being Teckla.

This is what I'm unclear on - if per Paarfi one gets a link to the orb 
before birth, cross-breeds are already citizens in the most important way. 
What else does being in a house get one?  Not enfranchisement.  Maybe the 
right to petition the House rep., maybe the avoidance of administrative 
hassles.  Do we think there are special effectively constitutional 
protections afforded house members?

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