[Dragaera] Is Kelly foolish?

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Wed Mar 9 21:15:01 PST 2011

On Wed, 9 Mar 2011, Damien Sullivan wrote:

> I go with the Emperor not being able to find people easily.  Frying
> someone who contacted you is one thing, frying random person is another.
> If the Orb doesn't have an index...

There's a passage in the Piroiad in which Zerika says something along the 
lines of, "There are way too many outgoing links from the orb for me to 
find a particular person", as if answering my objections on this score.

I kind of don't believe this from a programming perspective, unless it's a 
deliberate hobbling of the Orb by the gods.

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