[Dragaera] Tiassa -- Chapter the Sixth vs Epilogue -- spoiler

Damien Sullivan phoenix at ugcs.caltech.edu
Tue Apr 19 17:42:25 PDT 2011

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 09:19:15AM -0700, Scott Schultz wrote:

> Chapter the Sixth of Special Tasks and the Epilogue are not two unrelated
> events. They are two different versions of the same event; essentially the

Hunh, I hadn't seen that, I figured Khaavren was doing a followup.  On
checking, I do see similarity between the end dialogue of Chapter 6 and
in the epilogue, more than seems natural, especially on what the tiassa
does.  OTOH, they're very different scenes otherwise: different
location, different people.

Before I forget, one odd thing about this book is that for all that we
saw Special Tasks Groups and a Jenoine threat, the STG helping Sethra at
Dzur Mountain during a previous incident, as was mentioned in Orca,
didn't get mentioned at all!  Perverse.

> evidence that the source is someone with a reason to keep that detail
> obscured. Khaavren would not seem to have any particular reason to do so.

> As far as Khaavren knew, Godslayer was just a really strong morganti weapon.
> He would have no reason to hide the fact that a nefarious Eastern ex-hit man
> was carrying an illegal weapon around.

Khaavren is Captain of the Phoenix Guards, Brigadier of the STG, has
worked with Sethra in the past at a state secret/save the world level,
and has just investigated Vlad heavily.  I figure it's as likely as not
that he knows Vlad is carrying Godslayer around, *and* would regard that
as a state secret.

And if he thought Vlad was just carrying a Morganti weapon around, I'd
think he'd try to arrest Vlad or at least take the weapon.

He says "you've had that all along, have you?"  It's not conclusive, but
to me that expands as "I'd heard you had that, but hadn't noticed it,
but look, there it is".  And the only thing he'd have heard of is a
Great Weapon.

Wouldn't the Empire try to keep track of Great Weapons?  Shouldn't
Vlad's friends drop a word to the Empress that he's carrying one of the
'good' Morganti weapons, just like the Warlord and her friends, so that
Vlad doesn't get into mortal legal trouble?

Mind you, it's possible Paarfi knows of LT somehow, and himself thinks
-- or has been ordered -- that discretion here is advised.  Blackwand
and Iceflame are open knowledge in the Empire, so writing about Morrolan
getting Blackwand is okay.

-xx- Damien X-) 

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