[Dragaera] Directions in Dragaera

Jonathan Carey, CHRP via Dragaera dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Sat Oct 4 16:27:56 PDT 2014

One thing I've never really understood is the old names vs. the new names
as far as direction-based names were concerned.  So, if something WAS North
such and such, it's now...in the West?

1)  Is that right? A 90 degree turn to the left is what happened, as far as
looking at a map goes?


2) What was the event again that caused that?  Adron's Disaster? Does that
mean the disaster was of such colossal magnitude that it actually tilted
the planet and/or shifted the magnetic poles of the planet?


Jon Carey, B.A.(Hon), CHRP

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