[Dragaera] Hawk

Howard Brazee via Dragaera dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Fri Nov 7 10:41:16 PST 2014

> On Nov 7, 2014, at 11:25 AM, Jon Lincicum via Dragaera <dragaera at lists.dragaera.info> wrote:
> I believe that it is a profoundly misguided notion to assume that the barriers are there to do /one thing/, and /one thing/ only. Or even to assume that there is a "primary" and "secondary" reasons for what was done. I think it far more likely that the goddess is using the barriers to do many (perhaps dozens) of different things in a complicated tapestry. We can speculate on what individual strands of these designs might be, but in the end that would be missing the overall design. In the sense that every strand is needed to make the tapestry complete, it's hard to assign a level of relative importance to any individual thread. 

I'm speculating about what it is that he shouldn't know - maybe something in the future.

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