[Dragaera] Workers of the world

Howard Brazee via Dragaera dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Sat Nov 8 12:03:04 PST 2014

Science Fiction seems to be ignoring changes in how work will be performed in the future.     At least it isn’t exploring it the way Mack Reynolds did in my youth.    I still see Mack showing insights that I believe in more than others.   I wonder what Marx would think of his predictions.    I keep seeing how efficient it is to have a few huge corporations with tremendous competitive advantages.   This applies not only to tech companies (let me make my backyard rocket or iPhone), but to retail & even (especially?) banks.

Of course Big means bigger corruptions as well.   Endless wars have been predicted.

Now I don’t see any sign that the Kochs have any choice about what they want things to look like a century from now - they are addicted to their power now.   But SF should be concerned with that future.    What happens if everything can be produced by 10% of the population?    We won’t have a workforce that overthrows the overlords if there is no workforce.

Now Mack isn’t the only person raised with Marxism & Socialism.   (Obviously in this news group).    I’d like to see how the future has changed over the last century in this regard.

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