[Dragaera] Liberals

Jerry Friedman via Dragaera dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Sun Nov 16 21:48:58 PST 2014

> From: Jon Lincicum via Dragaera <dragaera at lists.dragaera.info>

> On 11/13/2014 8:53 PM, Jerry Friedman via Dragaera wrote:
>>>  From: Rebecca Harbison via Dragaera 
> <dragaera at lists.dragaera.info>

>>>  I suppose the question is whether the Cycle flows only from the
>>>  metaphysical to the physical, or if it flows both ways.)
>>  At some point in the distant past, somebody (sorry, I forget who) suggested
>>  that the Cycle was based on reactions to each house.  People get tired of
>>  the Jhereg and want to punish them, so the Iorich gain power, and then 
> nobody
>>  can get out from under the grip of the law except the sly Chreotha, etc.
> Perhaps this is what you were thinking of?

I'm pretty sure I was thinking of something on the list and much less complete
than that.  (On the other hand, I've been wrong before when I was pretty sure.)
> http://dragaera.wikia.com/wiki/Speculation:Cycle_Turnings
> One of my more far-flung speculations, but I think an interesting one, 
> nonetheless.

Very impressive.  Also, it makes me wonder whether one reason the Jhereg take
over after the Vallista is that they're skimming money off the construction

(Speaking of this, you don't mention the possibility elsewhere that Jamiss was
responsible for the masonry that fell on Faarith.  Or did I reread /Bored of
the Rings/ too often as a teenager?)

The topic of a Jhereg Reign came up at Steven's blog.  I started wondering
what it would be like.  Lots of Empire spending to stimulate the economy
and provide government contracts to get kickbacks from.  High taxes on
gambling and prostitution and whatever else the Organization provides
untaxed.  Low taxes on other things.

> There is an interesting bit in Iorich (Chapter 5) where Vlad is talking 
> to Perisil (an Advocate) about "Justice" vs "Law" and 
> Perisil mentions 
> that during the reign of the Iorich, the concepts are the same; during 
> other reigns, what passes for "justice" is just the balance between 
> the 
> varied interests of those in power. While this may be a moment where 
> SKZB's political prejudices show just a bit, it does seem to illustrate 
> your point.

It certainly illustrates that people mean all kinds of different things by

Jerry Friedman

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