[Dragaera] Liberals

Jerry Friedman via Dragaera dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Mon Nov 17 10:30:00 PST 2014

> From: Jon Lincicum <lincicum at comcast.net>
> On 11/16/2014 9:48 PM, Jerry Friedman wrote:
>>  The topic of a Jhereg Reign came up at Steven's blog. I started 
>>  wondering what it would be like. Lots of Empire spending to stimulate 
>>  the economy and provide government contracts to get kickbacks from. 
>>  High taxes on gambling and prostitution and whatever else the 
>>  Organization provides untaxed. Low taxes on other things. 
> I'd imagine that a Jhereg reign would be one of the most oppressive in 
> terms of legal regulations. Strict prohibitions on anything and anyone 
> that people want beyond the basic necessities. That way, there's a much 
> more lucrative market for everything the Jhereg sells. Anything not 
> required is forbidden. At least, officially.

But if we're to believe FHYA, nobody thought of outlawing drugs till
Greycat.  What you outline would make a lot of sense for the Jhereg
(if the rest of the Empire could stand the hypocrisy), but I doubt
they actually do it.
> And yes, lots of pork-barrel spending with kickbacks to nobles with 
> influence inside the government.
> You could compare it to the modern military-industrial-entertainment 
> complex.

I wouldn't dream of such a thing.
I wonder how the Dragons feel about their required service in the Jhereg
Guard.  Their House should really give them a waiver during that reign.
I suppose as things start to fall apart, some Dragons might want to
enlist to help the Iorich arrest the Emperor or whatever happens.
Jerry Friedman 

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